Opi calls for measures to guarantee support from the National Guard in indigenous lands with isolated peoples 04/07/2024
Opi expresses sorrow and indignation at the murder of firefighter Sidiney de Oliveira Silva in Tocantins 18/06/2024
STF gives Brazilian government 30 days to implement protection measures for isolated indigenous peoples 28/05/2024
After almost 20 years of waiting, the Sierra del Divisor Occidental Indigenous Reserve to protect isolated peoples is created in Peru 28/05/2024
Javari Valley: Kanamari villages in a region with isolated indigenous people are without any means of communication 24/05/2024
Yanomami and Ye'Kwana associations repudiate committee created by Congress to operate in Indigenous Lands 21/05/2024
In a meeting with FUNAI, recently contacted indigenous peoples from the Middle Xingu call for measures to protect their territories 24/04/2024
Opi denounces the presence of invaders in the corridor where isolated groups roam in the Javari Valley 01/04/2024
GTI-Piaci: organisations debate the protection of isolated and recently contacted indigenous peoples in South America 23/02/2024
Coiab brought together indigenous leaders from the Upper Purus River, Juruá Valley and Javari Valley to build strategies for the protection of isolated and recently contacted indigenous peoples in Cross-border Territorial Corridors 31/01/2024
A day in the village: environmental and socio-cultural awareness among the residents of the Uru-eu-wau-wau Indigenous Land in Rondônia 22/12/2023
Isolated peoples are moving closer and closer to villages in Alto Iaco, Acre. Leaders call for urgent measures 22/12/2023
Manchineri and Huni Kui peoples demand the installation of protection bases for isolated relatives* in Acre 12/12/2023